Welcome to Ditton C of E Junior

Headteacher’s Welcome

I am delighted to be working with the community of Ditton and support all children and our families.

We are incredibly fortunate to have access to large grounds and extensive resources which we have many plans to improve provision for all children for.

The school has worked on many areas within the last year, developing a clear vision and values which encompasses all that we do as a school. Our Christian vision, linked to ‘Aspire, Believe and Care’ guides all of our development within the school. We also have additional values that we aspire for all the children to live out within their daily lives at Ditton; these are: PERSEVERANCE, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, COMPASSION & LOVE.

We want to make sure that the school we are building here stays rooted in this community and mirrors your aspirations. So, please feel free to share your thoughts with us. It takes a community to build a great school.

If you have any questions please come and see me and I will be happy to talk it through and listen to your view points.

Mr Ward

About Ditton Church of England Junior School

Aspire, Believe , Care

We are a Church of England Junior School located in the heart of a historical location, set on a vast landscape of fields. The majority of our intake is from the community infant school, with which we have strong links. Although we have over 200 children and our site is large, we keep a small, family, community feel.

Our team of dedicated professionals go above and beyond every day to ensure children have the best education and our lunchtime staff ensure there is a huge variety of activities for children to choose from on our playground and field. Furthermore to allow our children additional enrichment we offer a range of after-school clubs based on the voice of the pupils. Every week we celebrate children’s achievements in and outside of school and encourage children to widen their learning to flourish.

Our neighbouring church is involved in regular collective worships and leads services for all the major Christian holidays.

Ditton C of E Junior School, ensuring children have life and live it to the full through our values of responsibility, respect, perseverance, courage and empathy. We strive to role-model life long learning and our staff are continuously developing themselves as learners to provide the best for our children.

We are proud to be part of Aletheia Academies Trust, and we collaborate with local schools to share practice and opportunity and foster relationships which support our children’s growth.

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